Life Groups

"Life Groups" or "Small Groups" have always existed at Stuart Presbyterian Church.
In truth, "where two or more are gathered" a group in Christ is formed. It is in these settings of the home, the office, the marketplace, and the telephone where true encouragement and transparency should be offered.
Our goal should be mutual maturation in Christ. Our choices should be for the mutual edification of those who believe and a desire to bring alongside those who are seeking.
What is a Life Group?
Simply put, it is a smaller more intimate gathering in which we "do life" together.
Why Life Groups?
We believe Life groups are a place where authentic, as well as, significant life transformation occurs and where real life and real issues can be transparently discussed. It is a place to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged to become a mature follower of Jesus Christ.
Mature Christians reproduce and we believe life Groups are foundational to a strong, healthy, and growing congregation. Life groups are where we find community, acceptance, and accountability. In life groups we learn from others and gain wisdom from their experiences. We learn to trust each other, be vulnerable, and lean on each other in times of trial and growth.
There are several key factors for a small group to be holistic, or healthy.
Above all, life groups must be disciple-making communities that seek to reach out to the unchurched.
Life groups should seek to help individuals grow spiritually, and assist them in identifying and utilizing their spiritual gifts in ministry.
How do I find one or get one started?
Select one of the current opportunities (listed under Women's Ministries or Education Ministries) or request additional opportunities. Want to begin your own and need direction? Call 276-694-4628.
What will we study?
Each group will select its own study.
Who decides who will be in my group?
You do! The hope is that as individuals express a need or desire for a group, there will be an open group available. This is the primary desire behind the awareness of current groups.
In truth, "where two or more are gathered" a group in Christ is formed. It is in these settings of the home, the office, the marketplace, and the telephone where true encouragement and transparency should be offered.
Our goal should be mutual maturation in Christ. Our choices should be for the mutual edification of those who believe and a desire to bring alongside those who are seeking.
What is a Life Group?
Simply put, it is a smaller more intimate gathering in which we "do life" together.
Why Life Groups?
We believe Life groups are a place where authentic, as well as, significant life transformation occurs and where real life and real issues can be transparently discussed. It is a place to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged to become a mature follower of Jesus Christ.
Mature Christians reproduce and we believe life Groups are foundational to a strong, healthy, and growing congregation. Life groups are where we find community, acceptance, and accountability. In life groups we learn from others and gain wisdom from their experiences. We learn to trust each other, be vulnerable, and lean on each other in times of trial and growth.
There are several key factors for a small group to be holistic, or healthy.
Above all, life groups must be disciple-making communities that seek to reach out to the unchurched.
Life groups should seek to help individuals grow spiritually, and assist them in identifying and utilizing their spiritual gifts in ministry.
How do I find one or get one started?
Select one of the current opportunities (listed under Women's Ministries or Education Ministries) or request additional opportunities. Want to begin your own and need direction? Call 276-694-4628.
What will we study?
Each group will select its own study.
Who decides who will be in my group?
You do! The hope is that as individuals express a need or desire for a group, there will be an open group available. This is the primary desire behind the awareness of current groups.